
Showing posts from January, 2020

New Year's Vocabulary List in Serbian language

Christmas Тree - Jelka / Јелка New year - Nova godina / Нова Година Year - Godina /година Winter - Zima / зима Baloon -  Balon / Балони Calendar -  Kalendar / Календар Celebration - Slavlje / Славље Confetti - Konfeta / Конфета Champagne - Šampanjac / Шампањац Clock - Sat/ Сат Countdown - Odbrojavanje / Oдбројавање Dance - Ples / Плес Dancing- Plesanje / Плесање Day - Dan / Дан Eve - Veče / Вече December - Decembar /  Децембар January - Januar / Јануар Firework - Vatromet /  Ватромет Firecracker - Petarda /  Петарда Festivity -Svečanost /  Свечаност Happiness - Sreća / Срећа Happy - Srećan, srećna, srećno, srećni / срећан, срећна, срећно, срећни Holiday - Praznik /  Празник Invitation - Pozivnica /  Позивница Kiss - Poljubac / Пољубац Memories - Sećanja / Сећања or "Uspomene /  Успомене" Music - Muzika / Музика Midnight - Ponoć / Поноћ New Year's Eve -  Novogodišnje veče / Новогодишње вече Party - Žurka / Ж...

Differences Between "Jelka" and "Christmas Tree"

"Jelka / Јелка " is a Serbian noun that means " Christmas tree". As it is noted, in  Serbian language "jelka " does not have any prefix as "Christmas".  In  Serbian language, the meaning of the "jelka" as noun, has no religious signs that are acceptable only to those who celebrate Christmas. Moreover, in Serbia, "jelka " and "Christmas" exclude each others. "Jelka" as a noun is related to non-religious celebration that is related to the New Year celebration and belongs to everyone but not related to Christmas. Maybe it is because in Serbian tradition there is a "badnjak " that is exclusively associated with Christmas and it is not same as "jelka":