
New Year's Vocabulary List in Serbian language

Christmas Тree - Jelka / Јелка New year - Nova godina / Нова Година Year - Godina /година Winter - Zima / зима Baloon -  Balon / Балони Calendar -  Kalendar / Календар Celebration - Slavlje / Славље Confetti - Konfeta / Конфета Champagne - Šampanjac / Шампањац Clock - Sat/ Сат Countdown - Odbrojavanje / Oдбројавање Dance - Ples / Плес Dancing- Plesanje / Плесање Day - Dan / Дан Eve - Veče / Вече December - Decembar /  Децембар January - Januar / Јануар Firework - Vatromet /  Ватромет Firecracker - Petarda /  Петарда Festivity -Svečanost /  Свечаност Happiness - Sreća / Срећа Happy - Srećan, srećna, srećno, srećni / срећан, срећна, срећно, срећни Holiday - Praznik /  Празник Invitation - Pozivnica /  Позивница Kiss - Poljubac / Пољубац Memories - Sećanja / Сећања or "Uspomene /  Успомене" Music - Muzika / Музика Midnight - Ponoć / Поноћ New Year's Eve -  Novogodišnje veče / Новогодишње вече Party - Žurka / Ж...

Differences Between "Jelka" and "Christmas Tree"

"Jelka / Јелка " is a Serbian noun that means " Christmas tree". As it is noted, in  Serbian language "jelka " does not have any prefix as "Christmas".  In  Serbian language, the meaning of the "jelka" as noun, has no religious signs that are acceptable only to those who celebrate Christmas. Moreover, in Serbia, "jelka " and "Christmas" exclude each others. "Jelka" as a noun is related to non-religious celebration that is related to the New Year celebration and belongs to everyone but not related to Christmas. Maybe it is because in Serbian tradition there is a "badnjak " that is exclusively associated with Christmas and it is not same as "jelka":

Let's learn what is meze? A Serbian version of fast food for the dearest guests

    Before any explanation, we would like to point out that the Serbian version of "meze" should by no means be equated with what is meant by "meze" in Turkish national cuisine. Also, "meze" in Serbia is not an appetizer either, because after "meze" neither main dish nor dessert follows. To put it simply, "meze" is a fast-prepared food for guests who do not have enough time for a traditional lunch but have enough time to eat something in a short amount of time, even in small quantities, because it is contrary to the Serbian tradition for the guests to leave Serbian house without being fed.  "Meze" does not include long cooked foods, but includes foods that are quickly cut, served and put on the table. With "meze" plates are never placed, not even a cutlery. . Meze is served in one, two, at most three plates (if there are more plates, it will become lunch, not "meze"). But the essence of the ...

What is a " Red letter " day?

"The red letter" day ("Crveno slovo" ) it is a term in the Serbian language that marks the day of the great Christian feast. This term comes from the ancient Serbian tradition, when many centuries ago in Christian calendars, the biggest holidays were written by red ink (other feasts are written by standard black ink). This tradition has remained even today.    If you visit any church or monastery in Serbia and if you buy a religious, Orthodox calendar, you will see many feasts written in red. For this reason, the day of that kind of feast  is called "the day of the red letter" .  Currently, Serbian Orthodox Church recognizes 38 "the red letters" days (without Sundays because Sunday is always written by red) But why it's important? This is important because of the cultural patterns that are respected in rural parts of Serbia.  According to the Serbian tradition, "the day of the red letter" as the day of the great religious ...

Celebration of the National Day of Egypt in Serbia reveals why Egypt is considered as „The mother of civilization"

    Ancient Egyptian antiquities displayed in virtual reality technique, Um Kalthoum’s „Enta Omri“ played on oud, Egyptian folklore music and dance, and the famous delicious Egyptian cuisine were just a small piece   of an outstanding atmosphere during the celebration of the National Day of Egypt held in the National Museum in Belgrade. „Let’s Learn about Serbia“   attended the ceremony and will show you some photos.    When we walked in the Museum, the Embassy’s staff with H.E. Ambassador Amr Aljowaily warmly welcomed us and we immediately realized why Egyptians are considered as the most hospitable nation in the world.   The Egyptians and the Egyptian Embassy as well, enjoy great respect in Serbia and therefore we were not surprised when we saw at the ceremony a large number of Serbian government officials, Serbian Parliament Speaker, government ministers, respected university professors, members of the Is...

السفارة المصرية في صربيا تحتفل باليوم الوطني لمصر في المتحف الوطني في بلغراد

تحتفل جمهورية مصر العربية وصربيا بمرور111 عامًا على إقامة العلاقات الدبلوماسية. هذا هو  أحد الأسباب التي تجعل السفارة المصرية وسفير مصر في صربيا يتمتعان باحترام   كبير في  صربيا في يوم الجمعة ، احتفلت سفارة مصر في صربيا باليوم الوطني لمصر في المتحف الوطني في بلغراد. وكان من بين الضيوف الحاليين في الاحتفال الوزراء الصرب وأعضاء الحكومة والسفراء من دول الشرق الأوسط والسفراء من العديد من الدول الأوروبية وممثلو الجماعة الإسلامية في صربيا وأساتذة الجامعات المتميزون وممثلو منظمات الصداقة العربية الصربية الشتات المصري في صربيا وغيرها .                   السفير جمهورية مصر العربية في صربيا السيد عمرو الجويلي                                                 أكد السيد عمرو الجويلي سعادة سفير مصر في خطاب استهلالي في بداية الحفل ، على أهمية مصر كرائد عالمي وكشخصية رائدة في السلام والازدهار العالمي....

The bridge of love in Serbia

"The bridge of love" is perhaps one of the most famous tourist attractions in Serbia that is dedicated to love. It is located in Vrnjačka Banja and according to the legend, this pedestrian bridge  was the meeting place of a Serbian girl and a Serbian officer. When the First World War began, the Serbian officer went to the battlefield in Greece. After a while, he told to his fiancée that he has found his new love in Greece and that he does not want to come back.  Soon after that, young Serbian girl died of grief and all the other girls because of the fear that their beloveds  will leave them, started to go on  this bridge and they were trying to "tie" their love by padlocks. This tradition has remained until today. Well, the rules are simple. If you have a partner, go to the bridge of love. Buy a padlock in a nearby store. Write down on a padlock your name and your partner's name as well  (also, you  can write the name of  you...